Class 10 Introduction to AI notes

Class 10 Introduction to AI notes

 1. What is intelligence?   

It is the ability to understand, distinguish between different types of things, situations, people and feelings. It also includes learnings new things and apply this knowledge for different purposes.

2. What is the role of intelligence in our life.

  • It helps us to make accurate decisions
  • It provides the ability to prove the results.
  • It helps to the think logically
  • It provides the ability to learn and improve

3.  What do you mean by decision making?

It is the process of making choices by identifying a situation, gathering required information, and assessing alternative resolutions.

 4. Write steps of decision making.

Identify the problem -> Identify the alternative solutions -> Choose among alternatives -> Implement the chosen solutions -> Evaluate the decision.

5. What do you mean by structured decision?

Structured decisions are those whose solution is already known.
Examples: name, addresses, phonenumber etc.

6. What do you mean by unstructured decision?

Unstructured decisions are those which don’t have single solution. It depends upon the choice of the decision-maker.
Example: Ordering food in a hotel can be an unstructured decision.

7. What do you mean by semi-structured decision?

Sem-structured decisions are those which need interaction with the users and analytical methods to create alternatives based on different criterias.

8. What do you mean by artificial intelligence?

It is the ability of a machine to mimic human intelligence. AI helps the machines to experiences things just like a human brain . It makes a machine behave and make decisions like human beings.

9. What is not AI?

If a machine is doing things automatically but not taking decisions on its own. It is not AI.

  • AI is not just automation of tasks.
  • It is not a single entity like human beings. It is actually a collection of data, programs and feedback.
  • AI has not emotions like human beings

10. Write applications of AI?

i. Machine Learning:
It is the ability of a computer to improve its performance as its gets new information

ii. Robotics:
In robotics, machines are developed that can move, work and talk like human beings..

iii. Self-driving cars:
Self driving cars use steering, brake and acceleration according to instructions stored into it.

iv. Image recognition:
This AI technique is used to recognize the images and patterns. Example: It can be used to read number plates of vehicles.

v. Natural language processing:
This AI technique can understand and produce words and sentence that are grammatically true.

vi. Speech recognition:
This AI technique can understand voice commands and perform actions Example: Alexa and Google Assistant.

vii. Personalization:
AI can be used to provide Personalized experience to users on websites and apps according to their Locations, search history etc.

vii. Healthcare:
AI can be used in healthcare sector to diagnose diseases and assist doctors in surgeries.

viii. Virtual assistants:
It is an application that understands natural language and responds in same language and can perform many other tasks for a user.

ix. Chatbots:
It is an application that can perform real time conversation with a user.

11. How do machines become artificially intelligent?

Machines become intelligent with more and more data they receive from users. They keep updating knowledge to optimize the output.

 12. Explain few applications of AI used in real life?

i. Siri
Siri is a personal assistant produced by Apple. It receives voice commands from users and helps in searching information, providing directions, preparing calendar of events and so on.

ii. Alexa
Alexa is a personal assistant produced by Amazon. It receives voice commands from users and helps in searching information and controlling electronic devices.

iii. Tesla
Tesla is one of the best cars with self-driving and many other advanced features.

 iv. Google Lens
It is a mobile app that uses smartphone camera to identify an object

Amazon is an e-commerce platform that uses AI for giving personalized experience to its consumers and for money transactions.

vi. Netflix
Netflix is and OTT platform that provides movies and shows to its customers according to their responses and choices.

vii. Pandora
It is an AI application that provides you songs as per your taste and choice.

viii. GPT
GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. It is a content creation tool that can generate text, question answers, pictures and videos as per user’s query.

ix. Chatbot
It is a software that can converse with users in the form of text or voice messages.

x. Games
Games like EA sports’ FIFA provides you interactive experience of gaming.

xi. Harvesting robots
These types of robots can harvest crops quickly.

xii. Google maps
Google maps use GPS (Global Positioning system) along with AI in navigation efficiently.

13. What do you mean by Machine Learning(ML)?

Machine learning is a component of AI. It uses past data along with  statistical methods and algorithms to solve a problem. It learns automatically and improves with every experience it gains.

14. What do you mean by Deep Learning(DL)?

Deep leaning is a technique used by machines to learn and apply AI. It uses Artificial neural network to make decisions and find the solution of a problem. Artificial neural network works just like a natural neural network that works in human brains.

Example: Number Plate detection.

15. Explain domains of artificial intelligence.

There are three domains of Artificial intelligence.

    • Data Science
    • Computer vision (CV)
    • Natural Language Processing (NLP).

i. Data Science
Data science deals with data and methods to use it in AI applications. It is a field that uses scientific methods, algorithms and systems to extract information from many sources of structured and unstructured data.

ii. Computer Vision
It refers to the training of computers to see like human beings. AI machines use cameras to identify objects and produce specific results.

 iii.  Natural Language Processing (NLP)
This domain of AI is deals with interaction between computers and human beings using natural languages. Machines can understand speech of users and product output as a speech.

16.Explain components of NLP.

There are two components of NLP

i. Natural language understanding (NLU): It helps a machine to understand natural speech
ii. Natural Languages Generation (NLG): It helps a machine to product a response in natural language.

17. Give one example of AI machine that has used various domains of AI.

Humanoid robot Sophia.

18. What do you mean by neural network?

It is a method in artificial intelligence that teaches computers to process data in a way just like human brain.

19. What do you mean by data mining?

It is the process of finding useful patterns from large amount of data.

20. What do you mean by big data ?

It refers to huge amount of data that is regularly growing at very high speed. For example, social media data like posts, pictures, videos etc.

21. What do you mean by reinforcement learning?

In reinforcement learning, AI system will not search for a single result  but explore different scenarios and give results. These results are evaluated by humans. The AI system adjusts the next scenario as per the feedback of humans to get better outputs.

22. What do you mean by supervised learning?

In supervised learning, AI machine  knows correct answers in advance. AI system defines patterns among the various questions and answers.

23. What do you mean by unsupervised learning?

In unsupervised Learning, AI machine doesn’t have predefined answers. It searches for patterns according to a piece of data we provide to the machine .

24. What do you mean by transfer learning?

In transfer learning, once an AI system has learned something, it can continue to build on its Knowledge even if we are not asking it to learn anything.

25. What do you mean by Turing test?

It is a method to check whether a computer is capable of thinking like a human being or not.

26. What do you mean by Ethics?

These are the moral principles that must be followed for welfare of society.

27. What do you mean by AI Bias?

AI Bias refers to a situation in which an applications displays partial behaviour towards a particular type of people depending upon their gender, race, Color etc.

28. Give examples of AI Bias?

  • Amazon’s AI recruiting system displayed bias towards women.
  • ProPublica software used by US courts displayed bias towards blacks.
  • US healthcare system used an AI system that displayed bias towards blacks.
  • Twitter’s image cropping application preferred white faces over black faces.

29. What is the reason of AI Bias?

  • Bias in the training data.
  • Human bias in decisions
  • Flawed data collection
  • Wrong assumptions
  • No proper bias testing

30. How can AI Bias be reduced?

Ai bias can be reduced by:

  • Thorough research of data
  • Identify biased data
  • Review Data
  • Regular data analysis
  • Regular bias testing
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