Display output in C++ | cout statement in C++ | write() function in C++ | put() function in C++

Display output in C++ | cout statement in C++ | write() function in C++ | put() function in C++

There are different statements and functions to Display output in C++. They are as follows:

  • cout
  • write()
  • put()

1. cout statement in C++

We can use  cout statement in C++ to display output.  It can be used to display a value of any primary data type. like int, float, char etc.
cout is followed by <<(insertion operator ) further followed by the variable or the constant whose value we want to display.

We need to include header file <iostream> and import namespace std in our program to use cout.



Here, var refers to the variable or constant whose value should be displayed.

//Program to demonstrate the use of cout statement in C++. 
using namespace std;
int main()
 int n;
 cout<<"Enter an integer value=";
 return 0;


Enter an integer value=100

2. write() function in C++

write() function in C++ is used along with  cout to display specific number of characters from a string or output file stream object to store data to a data file.
We need to include header file <iostream> and import namespace std in our program to use it.


Here, s is the string variable or constant.
n is the number of characters to be displayed from the string variable.

//Program to demonstrate the use of write statement.
using namespace std;
int main()
 char n[30];
 cout<<"\nEnter a string value=";
 cout.write(n,5);  //First 5 character are displayed.
 return 0;


Enter a string value=Lovejot

3. put()  function in C++

put() function in C++ is also used with  cout statement to display a character variable/constant. It can also be used with output file stream object to put one  character into a text file.

We need to include header file <iostream> and import namespace std in our program to use it.



Here, charvar refers to the character variable/constant whose value should be displayed.

//Program to demonstrate the use of put() function.

using namespace std;
int main()
 char n;
 cout<<"\nEnter a character=";
 return 0;


Enter a character=A
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Lesson tags: C++ Basic Input/Output, cout statement in C++, display output in c, put()  function in C++, write() function in C++
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