11 Tips to score good marks in Mathematics

Score good marks in Mathematics
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11 Tips to score good marks in Mathematics

Mathematics is one of the subjects which most of the students find difficult to understand, grasp and remember.  For many students it is like a nightmare. In this article, tips have been suggested to score good marks in Mathematics.
These tips  can surely help you to become confident and score good marks in Mathematics.

Tips to score good marks in Mathematics are:

1. Marking Scheme 

“Follow the marking scheme during preparation”.

Marking scheme is the distribution of marks for each and every chapter. Mathematics is such a subject in which you must be aware of marking scheme if you want to score good marks . You can find this marking scheme at the beginning of your book or download from  board or university web site. You can also get it from library of your school or college.

Preparing for Mathematics exam by following proper marking scheme can surely help you to score good marks in Mathematics exam.

2. Practice 

“Practice makes a man perfect”.

Mathematics is such a subject which can’t be crammed. Cramming Mathematics will never make you good at mathematics. Practicing Mathematics is the only way to learn it. You should practice maximum sums in class room as well as at home.

During examination  it is advised to touch each and every part of syllabus as per marking scheme given by the Board or university. Chapters having more marks weightage must be practiced more followed by the chapters having lesser weightage.

3. Time Management

“Time management is the key to success”.

While solving sums of Mathematics, time management is very important.  Mathematics needs more time for preparation as compared to other subjects. So if you assign 30 minutes to other subjects, Mathematics needs one and a half hours on daily basis for preparation.

During Mathematics exam, you must read your question paper thoroughly and then assign time to questions as per their weightage. For example, More time should be reserved for 5 marks questions as compared to 2 marks questions.

Moreover without proper time management, there are good chances  that you will not be able to solve the entire question paper in spite of having knowledge of all the answers.

4. Proper reading of question paper

“Understand the questions before writing their answers”.

You must read questions from question paper properly. It is commonly seen that students loose marks in mathematics  because they don’t read mathematics statements properly. Hence they write wrong answers or incomplete answers.  So it is advised that your must thoroughly read and understand questions before writing their answers.

5. Rough work

“Keep proper space on your answer sheet for rough work”.

In Mathematics exam, rough work needs to be done. You should draw lines on your sheet in such a way that you get enough space for rough work as well as for writing the answers. Space reserved for rough work should be neatly used otherwise it may create confusion. Generally rough work is done on the right side of the sheet.

Rough work should never be done on question paper, roll number slip, your hands or anything other than answer sheet as it may be treated as cheating by the examiner.

6. Step Marking

“In Mathematics marks are given on the basis of steps”.

Mathematics is such a subject in which marks are given on the basis of steps used while solving sums. So mathematical sums must be solved in proper step wise manner.

So be very careful of steps while solving sums in Mathematics exam. Moreover It will also help you to write correct answers .

7. Start answering easy questions first

“Start with easy questions”.

In Mathematics it has been observed that if you get struck in initial questions, it will create unncessary stress and it will become difficult for you to solve rest of the questions.

So it always good to start writing the answers to those questions first which you find easy followed by rest of the questions.

Moreover It will also boost your morale. which will surely help you to write  a good paper and score good marks in mathematics paper.

8. Marks Boosters

“Never leave marks boosters”.

Graph and data analysis related questions are the marks boosters. They surely help you to score good marks in Mathematics. They are generally the easiest sections of entire mathematics paper. So you should try to solve such type of  questions initially so that you don’t leave them.

9. Previous papers

“Previous papers give your overview of the expected exam”.

Previous papers or sample papers can definitely help you to prepare and score good marks in Mathematics exam. These papers contain questions as per the curriculum with proper weightage given to different types of questions.

They give you clear idea of type of questions that are put in  Mathematics exam which can further help you to score good marks in Mathematics.

10. Write neat and clean exam

“Write neat and clean exam for better understanding of  examiner”.

Mathematics paper must be solved in very neat and clean manner as it make easier for examiner to understand your answers in faster manner.

Unnecessary cutting and overwriting makes the answer sheet dirty and makes your answers difficult to be understood by the examiner which will ultimately reduce your marks only.

Proper formatting and spacing must be done in answer sheet so that your get enough space to write answers to all sums.

11. Take care of problematic areas

“Never leave problematic areas unattended”.

There may be certain questions or chapters of Mathematics which you find difficult. Initially you may keep them aside but it is advised to clear all doubts about such topics from your teacher or subject expert otherwise they may become obstacle for you.

So such kind of questions must be thoroughly solved and practiced multiple times so that you can score good marks in Mathematics with the help of such questions.


In this article, tips have been suggested to score good marks in Mathematics.These tips include properly following marking scheme, practicing more and more sums, proper time management during preparation as well as writing the exam, proper reading of questions before attempting, reserving proper space for rough work, step marking, starting the paper with answering easy questions, Questions related to graph and data analysis are marks boosters so they must be attempted to score good marks in Mathematics. Previous papers and neat and clean paper can also help you to score good marks in Mathematics.You must take care of problematic areas of your syllabus.

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