Skills needed to get job in India

Skills needed to get job in India

Getting a job is not an easy task in modern days but by developing a few skills one can easily get a job even in a small city. In this blog, we are going to discuss about “Skills needed to get job”.

Different Skills needed to get job in India are:

  • Computer Basics
  • Basic computer hardware
  • Internet
  • Good typing speed
  • Basic Accounting
  • English
  • Communication Skills
  • Hard Work

1. Computer Basics

This is one of the most important Skills needed to get job even in a small town. Each and every job in today’s world needs the knowledge of computers. Most important part is the knowledge of Computer Basics that include Microsoft windows, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Powerpoint. Other than Microsoft Office, Open office is used at certain places which is similar to Microsoft office.

Microsoft Windows is the most commonly used operating system used in India and many other countries. One must learn how to create files and folders, how to copy or move them along with how to use pendrive, CD, DVD on computer.  One must be aware of basic settings of Control panel that may include Keyboard, Mouse, Regional as well as font settings. One must learn how to create user accounts and how to provide them previlleges.

Microsoft word is the most commonly used software used for creating documents and taking printouts. One must learn how to format documents. Most important tools of Microsoft word include use of Mail Merge, Header/Footers, Page Layout and review of document.

Microsoft Excel is used for storing data in the form of rows and columns. Excel has inbuilt support for formulas which can be used to do basic as well as advanced calculations. One must learn pivot tables, Data Options as well as Page Layout.

Microsoft Powerpoint is one of the most commonly used software in corporate sector. It is basically used for making presentations. It is basically used to present products and services to clients.

2. Basic Computer Hardware

One must have the basic understanding of computer hardware and its common problems with solutions. It includes what to do

  • When the computer hangs.
  • When keyboard or mouse stops working
  • How to attach external devices to computer.
  • How to attach USB devices with computer.
  • How to install windows and other softwares.
  • How to uninstall unnecessary softwares.
  • How to take backup of data and how to restore it.
  • How to format and use hard disk, Pen drive and other storage devices.
  • How to install and use Antivirus software to scan viruses. How to update the antivirus.

3. Basics of Internet

Today’s era is the era of internet.  We can purchase/ sell anything on the internet. We can connect with friends and people with the help of internet. It is one of the other most important Skills needed to get job. Most commonly used internet skills needed for job are :

  • To send and receive emails.
  • To attach external files with an email.
  • To upload and download files from internet.
  • To use social networking websites like facebook and twitter. So that these platforms can be used to advertise the products and services of the employer.
  • How to use internet on different devices including Pc, Laptop as well as mobile phones.

4. Good typing speed

Good typing speed is an additional advantage because having a good typing speed helps to do the computer work faster. Standard typing speed required for any job is 30 words per minute.

Typing in regional languages is also in demand for jobs in specific regions for example, Punjabi typing is needed for jobs in Punjab and Hindi typing may be asked for jobs in UP and other states. Similarly different countries need typing skills as per their languages.  But most commonly used language for typing is English.

5. Basic Accounting

Knowledge of Basic Accounting also helps to get a job. One must be aware of basic concepts of Accounting including account books, ledgers, cash books, balance sheets etc. One can learn accounting softwares like Tally, Marg  and some other softwares to handle accounts in computerized manner.

After implementation of GST in India, demand of accountants has drastically increases. So by learning any of the above tools, one can easily get a job. Other than India, every business in every country has to manage their financial transactions which can be handled only by the person who is aware of basic accounting.

6. Command on English Language

English is a universal language. It is the official language in India as well as may other countries. So good command on  English language is a must. Without proper knowledge of English, it is almost impossible to get a job and survive in a job. One must be proficient in grammar and other language skills.

7. Communication Skills

One must have good communication skills to get a job. One must be able to present himself before the perspective employer. It is always an advantage if one can speak English. Other than communication skills, one must have self confidence.

8. Hard Work

It is the most important skill needed to get job

There is a very popular proverb “Hard work is the key to success”. It also applies for job market. One must be ready to work hard after getting a job. Only and hard worker can rise in the job.


In this article, Different skills needed to get job have been discussed which are needed for getting a job. They include Knowledge of Operating system especially Microsoft Windows along with different tools of Microsoft Office such as Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint. Other needed skills are knowledge of computer hardware, good typing speed, command on English, communication skills and hard work.

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Lesson tags: computer based jobs in india, get a job in india, get government job in india, how to get job in india, Skills needed to get job in India, What to know for a job
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