Installing Python IDLE | Downloading Python IDLE and Installation

Before installing Python we need to download Python IDLE from Python web site.

How to download Python IDLE

Installing Python IDLE | Downloading Python IDLE and Installation
  • Click at Downloads. Different options will be shown. You can choose the version you want to download as per your operating system.
  • We can click at all releases if we want to download an older version of Python.

Installing Python on your Windows based computer

  • Double click at Python installer downloaded on your computer. Dialog box will appear as follow:

  • Click at Run button to continue installation. Dialog Box will appear as

  • Click at Install Now.
  • Python installation will start and following window will appear

  • When installation gets completed following window will appear

  • Click close to close this window.

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Lesson tags: Downloading Python IDLE and Installation, how to install python, installing python, Installing Python IDLE, python installation
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