Arithmetic Operators in C Language

Arithmetic Operators in C Language

Arithmetic operators are used to perform mathematical calculations in a program. Various arithmetic operators in C language are as follows:

1. +

Addition operator is represented as plus (+) sign. It is used to add values of numeric variables, constants or expressions.


11 + 3 = 14

2. –

Subtraction operator is represented as a hyphen (-). It is used to subtract value of one numeric quantity from another.


11 – 3 = 8

3. *

Multiplication operator is represented as an asterisk (*). It is used to multiply value of one numeric quantity with another numeric quantity.


11 * 3 = 33

4. / 

Division operator is represented as a forward slash (/). It is used to divide value of one numeric quantity by another numeric quantity.


11 / 3 = 3

5. %

Modulus operator is represented as a percent sign(%). It returns remainder after dividing one numeric quantity by another numeric quantity.

Example :

10 % 3 =1

Program to demonstrate arithmetic operators in C Language.
int  main()
int a=10,b=3,c;
printf(“\na+b=%d”,c);   /*a+b=13*/
printf(“\na-b=%d”,c);   /*a-b=7*/
printf(“\na*b=%d”,c);    /*a*b=30*/
printf(“\na/b=%d”,c);     /*a/b=3*/
printf(“\na%%b=%d”,c);  /*a%b=1*/
return (0);

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