random module in python 3 | generate random number in python 3
Python has a predefined module random that provides random-number generator functions. A random number is a number generated randomly.
To use random number generator functions in our Python program, we first need to import module random by using import statement as:
import random
There are three random number generators functions in Python as
- random()
- randint()
- randrange()
i. random()
It returns a random floating point number in the between 0.0 and 1.0 (0.0, 1.0)
Number generated with random() will always be less than 1.0.
Example 1:
>>> import random >>> print(random.random()) 0.13933824915500237 #It will produce a different random value when we run it. |
Example 2:
>>> import random >>> print(random.random()*10) #Value generated between 0 and 10 9.857759779259172 |
ii. randint(a, b)
it returns a random integer number in the range (a, b). a and b are both included in the range.
>>> import random >>> print(random.randint(2,6)) 5 #It may produce a different random value between 2 and 6. |
iii. randrange(start,stop,step)
it returns a random integer number in the range start and stop values, both are included in the range. We can also give step size in this function
Example 1:
>>> import random >>> print(random.randrange(6)) 5 #It may produce a different random value between 0 and 6. |
Example 2:
>>> import random >>> print(random.randrange(2,6)) 4 #It may produce a different random value between 2 and 6. |
Example 3:
>>> import random >>> print(random.randrange(1,7,2)) #2 is the step size. 3 #It may produce a different random value among 1,3,5,7. |