Arithmetic Operators in C++ | Types of Arithmetic operators in C++
Arithmetic Operators in C++ can do mathematical calculations on numeric values that may exist in the form of variables or constants. Different arithmetic operators in C++ are:
i. +
+ is called Addition operator. It can add numeric values in C++.
Example: 1+4=5
ii. –
– (hyphen) is called subtraction. It can subtract one numeric value from another numeric value.
Example: 4-3=1
iii. *
* (Asterisk) is also called multiplication operator. It can multiply numeric values.
Example: 4*3=12
iv. /
/ (Forward Slash) is also known as Division operator. It can divide one numeric value by another numeric value.
Example: 10/3=3
v. %
% (Percentage Symbol) is known as modulus operator. It gives remainder after dividing one numeric value by another numeric value.
Example 10%4=2
//Program to demonstrate the use of arithmetic operators
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b,c; a=10; b=3; c=a+b; cout<<c; c=a-b; cout<<”\n”<<c; c=a*b; cout<<”\n”<<c; c=a/b; cout<<”\n”<<c; c=a%b; cout<<”\n”<<c; return 0; }
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