6 Types of relational operators in C++

Binary Operators in C++

6 Types of relational operators in C++

There are 6 Types of relational operators in C++. They are used to compare numeric values. These values may be in the form of literals or variables.  The result of relational operator is either 1 or 0.

i. < 

< is known as Less than operator.  It checks whether a value is smaller than another value or not.


1 < 3  = 1    //Result is 1 because 1 is less than 3

3 < 1 = 0 //Result is 0 because 3 is not less than 1

ii. <= 

<= is known as Less Than Equal To operator. It checks whether a value is smaller than or equal to another value or not.


1 <= 3 =1  //Result is 1 because 1 is less than 3

3 <= 1  = 0 //Result is 0 because 3 is neither less than or equal to 1

4 <= 4  = 1  //Result is 1 because 4 is equal to 4

 iii. >

> operator is known as Greater than operator. It checks whether a value is larger than value or not.


1 > 3  = 0  //Result is 0 because 3 is not less than 1

3 > 1  = 1 Result is 1 because 1 is less than 3

iv. >=

>= is Greater Than Equal To operator. It checks whether a value is larger than or equal to another value.


4 >= 2 = 1   //Result is 1 because 4 is more than 2

2 >= 4 = 0  //Result is 0 because 2 is neither greater nor equal to 4

4 >= 4 = 1  //Result is 1 because 4 is equal to 4

v. Equal To(==)

==  (double equal to) is known as equality operator. It checks whether a value is equal to another value or not.


4 == 3  = 0  //Result is 0 because 4 is not equal to 3

10 == 10 = 1  //Result is 1 because 10 is equal to 10

vi. Not Equal To(!=)

!= is known as Not Equal To operator ). It returns 1 if values being compared using this operator are not equal otherwise it returns 0.


1 != 3  =1  //Result is 1 because 1 is not same as 3

4 != 4=0  //Result is 0 because 4 is equal to 4

//Program to demonstrate the use of relational operators.

using namespace std;
int main()
  int a=10,b=3;
  return 0;



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