Explicit type conversion in C++ | Type casting in C++

Type Casting in C++

Explicit type conversion in C++ | Type casting in C++

Explicit type conversion in C++ is also called  type casting. We can use casting to convert output of an arithmetic expression into a specific data type .


(Data_Type) Expression 

Data_Type is any valid data type of C++.

Expression is a valid arithmetic expression of C++.

//Program to demonstrate Explicit conversion/Casting

using namespace std;
int main()
  float n;
  n=10/3;               //Line 6
  n=(float)10/3;        //Line8 



 In Line 6 of above program, values 10 and 3 are of int type so result of 10/3 should be of int type i.e. 3 .

** In Line 8 of above program, values 10 and 3 are of int type so result of 10/3 should be of int type i.e. 3  but due to casting by float i.e. (float)10/3  result will become 3.333333.

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