Relational Operators in C | Comparison operators in C
These operators are used to perform comparison between values . Various relational operators in C language are as follows:
1. < [Less Than]
Less Than operator is represented as (<) sign. It is used to check whether one value is smaller than another value or not.
10 < 3 = 0
3 <10= 1
2. <= [Less Than Equal To]
Less Than Equal To operator is represented as (<=) sign. It is used to check whether one value is smaller than or equal to another value or not.
10 <= 3 = 0
3 <= 10 = 1
3 <= 3 = 1
3. > [Greater Than]
Greater Than operator is represented as (>) sign. It is used to check whether one value is larger than another value or not.
10 > 3 = 1
3> 10 = 0
4. >= [Greater Than Equal To]
Greater Than Equal To operator is represented as (>=) sign. It is used to check whether one value is larger than or equal to another value or not.
10 >= 3 = 1
3 >= 10 = 0
3 >= 3 = 1
5. Equality comparison(= =)
This operator is represented as double equal to (= =) sign. It is used to check whether one value is equal to another value or not.
10 = = 3 = 0
10 = = 10 = 1
6. Not Equal To(!=)
This operator is represented as sign of exclamation followed by an equal to sign (!=). It is used to check whether one value is not equal to another value.
10 ! = 3 != 1
10 ! = 10 != 0
Program to demonstrate relational operators in C |
int main()
int a=10,b=3;
printf("%d",(a>b)); /*1*/
printf("%d",(a>=b)); /*1*/
printf("%d",(a<b)); /*0*/
printf("%d",(a<=b)); /*0*/
printf("%d",(a==b)); /*0*/
printf("%d",(a!=b)); /*1*/
return (0);