Assignment operators in C++ | Shorthand operators in C++

Assignment operators in C++ | Shorthand operators in C++

Assignment operators in C++ are also known as shorthand operators in C++. They are used to update the existing value of a variable in an easy way. Various Assignment operators in C++ are:

Operator Description Example
= It is used to assign some value to a variable. N=10
+= Adds some value to the existing value of a variable. N=10


N=10+3 =13

-= Subtracts some value from the existing value of a variable. N=10

N -= 3


*= Multiplies existing value of a numeric variable by another value. N=10

N *=3

N=10*3 =30

/= Divides existing value of a numeric variable by another value. N=10

N /=2

N=10/2 =5

%= Divides existing value of a numeric variable by another value and gives remainder. N=10

N %=3


&= Applies bitwise AND operator on existing value of a numeric variable along with another value . N=10

N &=7

N=10&7 =2

|= Applies bitwise OR operator on existing value of a numeric variable along with another value . N=10

N |=7

N=10|7 =15

^= Applies bitwise XOR operator on existing value of a numeric variable along with another value . N=10

N ^=7

N=10^7 =13

<<= Applies bitwise LEFT SHIFT operator on existing value of a numeric variable . N=10

N <<=1

N=10<<1 = 20

>>= Applies bitwise RIGHT SHIFT operator on existing value of a numeric variable . N=10

N >>=1

N=10>>1 = 5


//Program to demonstrate the use of shorthand operators.

using namespace std;
int main()
int n=10;
cout<<”\n n+=5 =”<<n;
cout<<”\n n-=3 =”<<n;
cout<<”\n n*=3 = ”<<n;
cout<<”\n n/=2 =”<<n;
cout<<”\n n%=3 =”<<n;
return 0;


n+=5 = 15
n-=3 = 12 
n*=3 = 36 
n/=2 = 18
n%=3 = 0

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