Scope of variable in C Language | Local variable in C Language | Global variable in C Language

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Scope of variable in C Language | Local variable in C Language | Global variable in C Language

Scope is the lifetime of variables. Variables have two types depending upon scope.

  • Local variable
  • Global variable

 a.  Local variable in  C Language

Variable declared inside a function body is called local variable. It can exist only within the function in which it is declared.

 b. Global variable in  C Language

Variable declared before all function definitions is known as global variable. The value of global variable exists throughout the program. Changes made to them have effect on entire .

Program for local and global variables in C.
int k=10; /*global variable*/
void show()
printf(“\nGlobal variable within show() %d”,k);
int main()
int k=50; /*Local variable*/
printf(“Local variable in main=%d”,k);
printf(“Global variable in main()=%d”,k);
printf(“Global variable in main()=%d”,k);
Local variable in main=50
Global variable in main() =10
Global variable in function a=11
Global variable in main() a=12

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Lesson tags: global variables in c, local variables in c, program of global variable, program of local variable, variable scope in c
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