15 steps to get good marks in exam
Do you want to get good marks in exam??
If yes, you can read following article to know how.
Every student works hard in studies but each one is not able to get good marks. Some students also start feeling themselves inferior to good scorers. Some may lose their interest in studies.
There are few steps on how to get good marks in exam. Any student who genuinely implements these steps can definitely get good marks in exam.
1. Personal time table
This is the first important step to get good marks in exam.
Students must create a personal time table in which each subject gets enough time on regular basis. Time consuming subjects and difficult subjects can be given a bigger time slot and easier one can be given a smaller time slot.
For Example, a school student can fix one hour each for difficult subjects like Mathematics and Science, 45 minutes for SST, 15 to 30 minutes for easy subjects like Hindi, English . College students can also fix time slots for their subjects depending upon their difficulty level.
Initially you may find it difficult to stick to the time table but with the passage of time it become possible to follow the time table. You can design your personal time table in the following format
S. No. | Name of Subject | Timing |
1. | Mathematics | 5:30 am to 6:30 am |
2. | Science | 4:00 pm to 5:00pm |
3. | SST | 5:30pm to 6:00pm |
4. | English | 6:00pm to 6:30pm |
5. | Hindi | 7:30pm to 8:00pm |
6. | Other Subjects | 8:00pm to 8:30pm |
2. Study Regularly
Regularity is the mantra of success.
Regularity is another most important step towards getting good marks in exam. Most common mistake done by students is that they don’t study on regular basis.
There is a popular proverb that says “Out of Sight Out of Mind”. Same applies for academics also.
Students who don’t study regularly always find them unable to cope up with the course content. One must study each and every subject on daily basis.
3 .Written practice
Written practice helps to remember things for a longer period of time.
Written practice is also very important to get good marks in exam. Students try to learn and remember the content. They try to recall whenever it is necessary. But it is seen that it is generally not possible to recall content absolutely.
Written practice helps to remember the things better. Moreover in most of the exams, students need to write. So it always helps if written practice is done. Subjects like Mathematics always need written practice.
4. Faster Reading
Faster Reading is good for theory subjects.
Mostly when we read some content It is always read word by word, one word at a time. We can increase reading speed by reading multiple words in one go. Fast reading is specifically helpful in subjects like SST, English and languages where students need to read a lot of content.
For Example, One page of English book contains approximately 30 lines and each line consists of 20 words. So there are 600 words on one page.
Suppose a student takes one second to read one word. He will take 600 seconds to read one page which is equivalent to 10 minutes. If one can read two words at a time, this time will immediately reduce to 5 minutes. Similarly reading three words in one go will reduce it further to 2.5 minutes.
In this way, faster reading helps a student to read the entire chapter at a faster rate. Hence faster reading can also help to get good marks in exam.
You can develop this habit by regular practice.
5. Create notes
Create notes for quick review.
It is a good practice to prepare your own notes in your handwriting or on your computer which can be referenced at the examination time. These notes may contain main headings, subheadings, important questions, their answers. Notes created in your mother language always help.
6. Relax before exam
Take small nap before exam.
It is always better to relax one hour before taking the exam. It is better if you can take a nap of half an hour or more before leaving for examination center. This small nap refreshes mind. All last minute revisions should be done before this nap.
7. Meditate
Meditation helps to relax body and mind.
It is medically proven that meditation helps to relax body as well as mind. Moreover it also helps in activation of certain areas of brain which are responsible for logical reasoning.
It further increases power of remembrance so that a student can remember things for a longer time. This increased power of remembrance helps to get good marks in exam.
Small meditation sessions of 5 to 10 minutes while studying do help in refreshing body and mind.
8. Physical Activity
A sound mind lies in sound body.
One can study only if one is physically fit. To remain physically fit one must do physical work. This may include household tasks, cycling or exercising. One can also play some game like badminton, volleyball or some other game.
Physical activities and exercise provide oxygen to each and every cell of body . Which further helps in healthy body as well as healthy mind.
9. Eat healthy food
Nutritious food is the basic need to stay fit and healthy.
Food is the basic necessity of the body. You should consume green vegetables, milk, Curd, pulses and other nutritious food items to stay healthy. Nutrition charts are also available online which can be downloaded. We can even create diet plans according to them. You should avoid junk food as it results in obesity, laziness and other diseases.
Intake of cold water also helps to relax brain.
10. Sleep properly
Sleep is very important need of body.
Without proper sleep one feels sleepy and lazy. Regular eight hour sleep is sufficient for healthy body and healthy mind. Over sleeping is also harmful as it may result in regular headache, memory loss and other problems.
It is always better to sleep at night and study during day time. Our body has an inbuilt biological clock. Keeping us awake during night can break the cycle of this clock.
11. Avoid late night study
Late night study may result in biological problems
Few students prefer to study at night as there is less noise and peaceful atmosphere. But I recommend to sleep at night as it disturbs biological clock which may later on result in certain health issues.
It is better to wake up early in the morning and then do study. Morning time is more peaceful and moreover body is more energized due to sleep at night.
12. Avoid continuous study
Continuous study may not give results.
Studying continuously for hours doesn’t make much sense as after a certain period, brain gets tired and finds itself unable to grasp more information. It is always better to take small breaks while studying which help to refresh mind.
13. Mobile phone & TV
Use of mobile phone and watching television brings tiredness.
Moreover it also creates unwanted anxiety and distractions. It is now medically proved that prolonged used of Mobile phone and TV result in diseases related to eyes, brain and other body parts.
14. No distractions
Keep away things that create distractions.
It is better to keep TV, Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets switched off or away when you want to study. These gadgets create unnecessary distractions during study.
15. Take Tests
“Learning is a waste, if student can’t perform in test”.
Test is a way to test your knowledge. It shows you the exact picture of what you have learnt and how much you have learnt. It also shows how accurate is what you have learnt.
Tests are organized by school/college teachers as well as tuition teachers. They are organized as class tests as well as term exams.
Student must take each and every test very seriously. One must prepare himself before going for any test. Proper time should be consumed for solving the test paper. Taking test sincerely definitely helps to get good marks in exam.
In this article, certain practically implemented steps have been advised which can be used by a student to get good marks in exams and excel in studies. They include a personal time table, regular study, written practice, faster reading method, physical activities, healthy food, proper sleep, relaxing before exam, avoiding late night and continuous studies, creating personal notes, lesser use of Mobile phone and TV and meditation. These tips really help if one implements them.