Character functions in C Language | isalpha(), isdigit(), isalnum(), ispunct(), isspace(), isupper(), islower(), toupper(), tolower()

Character functions in C Language | isalpha(), isdigit(), isalnum(), ispunct(), isspace(), isupper(), islower(), toupper(), tolower()

Character functions need ctype.h  header file to be included in the pgoram. Different character functions provided by C Language are:

– isalpha()
– isdigit()
– isalnum()
– ispunct()
– isspace()
– isupper()
– islower()
– toupper()
– tolower()

1 isalpha() function in C Language:  

It stands for is-alphabet. This function is used to check whether the character variable or character constant contains an alphabet or not. If it contains an alphabet it will return a non zero value.
var_name specifies character variable or character constant which want to check for whether it contains an alphabet or not.

2 isdigit() function in C Language:

It stands for is-digit. This function is used to check whether the character variable or character constant contains a digit or not. If it contains a digit it will return a non zero value.
Syntax :
var_name specifies character variable or character constant which want to check for whether it contains a digit or not.

3 isalnum() function in C Language:

It stands for is-alphanumeric. This function is used to check whether the character variable or character constant contains an alphabet or digit. If it contains an alphabet or digit it will return a non zero value.
Syntax :
var_name specifies character variable or character constant which want to check for whether it contains an alphabet or a digit.

4. ispunct() function in C Language: 

It stands for is-punctuator. This function is used to check whether the character variable or character constant contains a punctuator or not. Punctuators include comma, semicolon etc. If it contains a punctuator, it will return a non zero value.
var_name specifies character variable or character constant which want to check for whether it contains a punctuator or not.

5. isspace() function in C Language:

It stands for is-space. This function is used to check whether the character variable or character constant contains a blank space or not.  If it contains a blank space, it will return a non zero value.
Syntax :
var_name specifies character variable or character constant which want to check for whether it contains a blank space or not.

Program to demonstrate the use of character() function.

int main()
  char ch;
  printf("\nEnter any character=");
    printf("\nYou typed an alphabet");
    printf("\nYou typed a digit");
    printf("\nYou typed an alphabet or digit");
    printf("\nYou typed a punctuator");
    printf("\nYou typed a space");
return 0;


Enter any character= <blank Space>
You typed a space

6 isupper() function in C Language: 

It stands for is-upper. This function is used to check whether the character variable or character constant contains an uppercase alphabet or not.  If it contains an uppercase alphabet, it will return a non zero value.
Syntax :
var_name specifies character variable or character constant which want to check for whether it contains an uppercase alphabet or not.

7. islower() function in C Language:

It stands for is-lower. This function is used to check whether the character variable or character constant contains a lowercase alphabet or not.  If it contains a lowercase alphabet, it will return a non-zero value.
Syntax :
var_name specifies character variable or character constant which want to check for whether it contains a lowercase alphabet or not.
Program to demonstrate the use of isupper() and islower() functions.

int main()
  char ch;
  printf("\nEnter an alphabet=");
   printf("\nYou typed an upper case alphabet");
    printf("\nYou typed a lower case alphabet");


Enter an alphabet= a
You typed a lower case alphabet

 8. toupper() function in C Language:  

It stands for to-uppercase. This function is used to convert a lowercase alphabet into uppercase alphabet. The alphabet may be in the form of a character variable or character constant.
Syntax :
var_name specifies character variable or character constant which want to convert into uppercase.

9. tolower() function in C Language: 

It stands for to-lowercase. This function is used to convert an uppercase alphabet into lowercase alphabet. The alphabet may be in the form of a character variable or character constant.
Syntax :
var_name specifies character variable or character constant which want to convert into lowercase.
Program to demonstrate the use of toupper() and tolower() function.
int main()
  char ch;
  printf(“\nEnter an alphabet=”);
  printf(“\nAlphabet in uppercase=%c”,ch);
  printf(“\nAlphabet in lowercase=%c”,ch);

Enter an alphabet= a
Alphabet in uppercase=A
Alphabet in lowercase=a

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Lesson tags: character formatting functions in c, character functions in c, Character functions in C Language, check whether a character is capital, check whether a character is digit, passing character variable as function argument
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