7 Types of Binary operators in Python 3 | Arithmetic operators in Python 3

7 Types of Binary operators in Python 3 | Arithmetic operators in Python 3

These are the operators which can have two operands. Various categories of binary Operators in Python are:-

Arithmetic Operators in Python 3

Arithmetic operators are used to perform mathematical calculations in a program. Various Arithmetic Operators in Python 3 are:

Operator Purpose Example


To add two numeric quantities. 10+3=13


To subtract one numeric quantity from another. 10-3=7


To multiply two numeric quantities. 10*3=30


To divide one numeric quantity by another and get quotient. 10/3=3.3333333

(Floor Division)

To divide one numeric quantity by another to get quotient without decimal point. 10//3=3


To find remainder after dividing one numeric quantity by another. 10%3=1


To find one number raised to power another number. 10**3=1000

(10 raised to power 3)



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Lesson tags: arithmetic operators in python, binary operators of python, bitwise operators of python, logical operators of python, membership operators of python, python operators, rellational operators of python, spcial operators of python, unary operators of python
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