Class 10 Ability to Work Independently Notes | Class 10 AI Self-Management Skills – II

Class 10 Ability to Work Independently Notes | Class 10 AI Self-Management Skills – II

1. What do you mean by an independent person?

An independent person is that person who does not require constant assistance or supervision to complete a task. He also takes responsibility of his mistakes without making excuses.

2.  List any four elements that make a person independent.

  1. Self motivation
  2. Organizational skills
  3. Multitasking ability
  4. Discipline
  5. Communication skills
  6. Resourcefulness

3. Explain the advantages of working Independently.

  1. It boosts self confidence .
  2. It makes the person self Reliant .
  3. It makes the person emotionally independent.
  4. It makes decision making an easy task.
  5. It brings out the best in a person.
  6. It increases self value and self esteem.
  7. It makes the person responsible and accountable.

4. What is Self awareness?

Self-awareness means person is aware of his strengths, weakness, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and motivations.  It helps us to understand perspective of others

5. Explain different types of Self awareness?

There are two types of self awareness.

External self-awareness

It is to understand how others perceive us. People having external self-awareness are considered as pleasers.

Internal self-awareness

It is how we see ourself.  It includes our values, thoughts, aspirations, feelings, behaviour, strengths, weakness and their impact on others.

6. Write different techniques for identifying your strengths.

  1. Identify those areas of your life where you are successful.
    ii. See what others like in you.
    iii. Think about what you do good.

7. Write different techniques for identifying your weeknesses.

  1. i. Identify the areas of your life where you find things difficult.
  2. Look at the feedback given by others for you.
  3. Accept the feedback  with open mind.
  4. Accept your weaknesses without feeling low and try to improve.

8. What is Self regulation?

It is the ability of a person to understand and manage his reaction to the situations  around him. It helps a person to focus on a his tasks and manage his reactions to frustration, excitement and other such emotions.

9. What are the requirements for Self regulation?

  1. Self awareness
  2. Emotional intelligence
  3. Efficient filtering of sensory simulation
  4. Stress management.

10. Why is Self Regulation important for becoming independent?

  1. It helps to behave in socially acceptable ways.
  2. It helps people to make the right decisions about their behaviour.
  3.  It teaches them how to behave in different situation without any guidance.
  4. It helps in managing stress.
  5. It helps people in making friends.

11. Define self motivation.

Self motivation is the process in which a person motivates himself to accomplish his tasks.

12. How does self motivation occur?

It occurs when a person uses his own strategies and techniques to keep himself on track towards achieving a goal.

13. Explain four elements that can make a person self motivated?

  1. Desire to improve or to meet specific standards.
  2. Commitment for personal or organizational goals
  3. Readiness to act on opportunities.
  4. Optimism to continue and pursue goals even in case of failures.

14. Explain different skills that can make a person self motivated?

  1. Making high and realistic goals.
  2. Taking risks.
  3. Looking for feedback to improve.
  4. Commitment for personal or organizational goals
  5.  Using opportunities

15. Explain different types of self motivation?

Self motivation is of two types:-
1. Intrinsic motivation-
It is defined as the motivation to do a task for  internal satisfaction. Person does’ t need a reward or specific result for completing a task.
2.Extrinsic motivation:-
It is defined as the motivation to do something due to a desire to achieve something  for some external reward in the form money, power or good grades.

16. What is emotional intelligence?

It is the ability of person to manage his as well as others’ emotions .

17. Explain three skills required for emotional intelligence?

i. Emotional awareness: it is the ability of a person to identify his emotions.
ii.  Harnessing emotions: It is the ability of a person to apply his emotions in his tasks.
iii. Managing emotions: It is the ability of a person to regulate his emotions.

18. Explain steps to manage emotional intelligence?

i. Observe yourself and see where you need to improve.
ii. Be rational in your thinking i.e. take decisions after evaluating the situations.
iii. Do Meditation  to keep yourself calm.

19. What do you  mean by a goal?

Goals are a set of dreams with a deadline to get them.

20. What do you  mean by a goal setting?

Goal setting is to make a list of your goals and plans to achieve them.

21. Explain SMART methods to set goals?

SMART stands for Specific Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time Bound.
i. Specific: A specific and clear goal.
ii Measurable: The goal must be measurable i.e.  What and how much you will get after achieving your goal.
iii. Achievable : Big goal can be divided into smaller parts to make it achievable.
iv. Realistic: A realistic goal is realistic i.e. it is achievable.
v.  Time bound: Goal must be completed within a time limit.

22. What do you  mean by Time Management?

Time management is a way to complete your tasks on time.

23. Write tips for Time Management?

• Don’t delay any planned activity
• Always organize your room and school desk
• Develop an area for you where you can sit and complete important tasks.
• Always Prepare a ‘To-do’ list.
• Set your priorities
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Lesson tags: Class 10 ai goal setting, Class 10 ai self awareness, class 10 ai self motivation, Class 10 AI Self-Management Skills - II
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