Class 10 Digital Documentation (Very Short Questions)

Class 10 Digital Documentation (Very Short Questions)


Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which among the following is not a valid type of alignment ?
a. Middle     b. Right     c. Justify     d. None of these

2. On which tab does the paragraph dialog box launcher exist ?
a.  Page Tab      b. View Tab     c. Home Tab     d. Insert Tab

3. The process of increasing or decreasing the space between the left and right margin of a paragraph is known as …  a. Alignment     b. Indentation     c. Spacing     d. None of these

4. The default tab space is ……………………. .
a. 0.5      b. 1.25     c. 1.50     d. 1.15

5. Name the Key which on pressing closes the header section .
a. Esc      b. Shift     c. Alt     d. None of these

6. Which option on the Design tab helps in exiting from the header section ?

a. Exit Header/ Footer     b. Close Header/ Footer
c. Close Header and Footer     d.Exit Header and Footer

7. Which option insert the date in the header section as a field so that it always reflects the current date?

a. Update current date     b. Update automatically     c.Auto-update     d. None of these

8. The ………………….. option on the Design tab helps in inserting page numbers in the header section .
a. Insert Page Number       b. Page Number     c. Add page Number     d. None of these

9. ………………… option contains predefined footer styles .

a. Footer     b. Insert     c. Style     d. None of these

10. Which tab contain the Close Header and Footer option ?

a. Home     b. Design     c.  Page Layout     d. Insert

11. The …………………… option in the styles task pane creates any style with the formatting of your choice .

a. New Style     b.  Create New Style     c. Create Style     d. None of these

12. The ……………………… button in Manage Style dialog box helps in editing any predefined style.

a. Edit     b. Edit Style     c. Modify     d. Modify Style

Fill in the Blanks :

1. A ……………………… is a predefined combination of various formatting features and types.

Ans: Style
2. ……………. are used to describe the location at which the cursor stops after the Tab Key is pressed .

Ans:  Tab Stop
3. ………………… type of alignment places the text evenly between the left and the right margins .

Ans: Justify
4. ………………… indent controls how the text of a paragraph lines up below the first line .

Ans: First Line Indent
5. …………………… can be used to insert the title at the top of each page.

Ans: Header
6. Header option is available under the ………………. Group on the Insert tab .

Ans: Header & Footer
7. To insert a picture in a header, click on the …………………. Option on the ……………………. Tab .

Ans: Picture, Design
8. ………………… can be used to insert page numbers at the bottom of each page .

Ans: Footer
9. Footer option is available under the Header & Footer group on the ………………………. Tab.

Ans : Insert

Multiple Choice Questions :

1. By default, the …………………… option is selected when we click on the File > New option.
a. Blank document     b. Document     c. New document     d. None of these

2. While saving a document as template, what option needs to be selected in the save as type list box ?
a.Template     b.Word Template     c. Save Template     d. None of these

3. Which option helps in creating a template based on the existing template ?
a.Template from existing     b. New from existing     c.New template from existing     d.None of these

Fill in the Blanks :

1. Microsoft Word provides a feature of using the predefined ……………………… that are formatting in someway with the sample content, themes, etc.

Ans : Template

2. A template can be created in word by saving a document as a ………………….. file.

Ans : Word Template

3. Clicking on the ……………………… option displays the recently used templates .

Ans : Recent Templates

Multiple Choice Questions :

1. Which type of alignment places the text evenly between the left and the right margins ?
a. Justify     b.Even     c. Center     d. None of these

2. Which tab in the paragraph dialog box is selected by default when paragraph dialog box launcher is clicked on ?
a.Line and page     b. Indents and Spacing     c.Page Layout     d.None of these

3. How many types of indents are there in Word ?
a.2     b.3     c. 4      d. 5

4. ………………………. Is the vertical distance between successive lines of the text in a document .

a.Paragraph Spacing     b.Word Spacing     c.Text Spacing     d.Line Spacing

5. You can close the Header section by …………………………….

a.Double-Clicking in the main document     b.Pressing the Esc Key     c.Both a and b      d.None of these

6. By which option can we insert date in the Header section so that it always reflects the current date ?

a.Insert current Date/Time     b.Update date automatically     c.Update automatically     d.None of these

7.Which option is used to exit from the Header section ?

a.Close Header and Footer     b.Close Header     c.Exit Header and Footer     d.Exit Header

8. On which tab does the Footer option exist ?

a.Insert     b.Header and Footer     c. Home     d. None of these

9. which option in the styles task pane allows the user to edit any style based on the specific requirement for the document ?

a.Manager Styles     b.Edit style     c. Modify   d. None of these

10. With which extension does a template gets saved in Word ?

a. .dotx     b. .dott     c. Both a and b     d. None of these

Fill in the Blanks :

1. ………………… are used to break continuous text to one or more sentences.

Ans: Text Wrapping
2. Information like the title of a book or chapter can be placed in ………………………….. area of a document

Ans: Header
3. The shortcut key combination to close the Word document is ……………………… .

4. The term ……………………… refers to a preset format for a document or file .

Ans: Template

State True or False :

1. By default , there is one-line gap between paragraphs. ( ) False
2. Microsoft Word provides five types of alignment. ( ) False
3. Hanging indent indents the first line of a paragraph. ( ) True
4. Header and Footer are the identifiers that respectively run across the top and bottom of the document. ( ) True
5. Word does not allow to add page numbers in the Header section of a document. ( ) False
6. Different paragraph styles grab and hold the attention of the readers. ( ) True
7. Create New style option allows you to create any style with the formatting of your choice. ( ) True
8. A template can be created in two ways. ( ) True
9. New from existing option is present in the Available templates section. ( ) True

Multiple Choice Questions :

1. If you would like to start a new page in a document, you can use the option ……………… .
a. Line Break     b.Section Break     c. Page Break     d. Paragraph

2. You can use the ……………………………….. key combination to create a page break at the pointed location.
a. Shift +Enter     b. Ctrl +Enter     c. Alt +Enter     d. None of these

3. To insert a column break, select the breaks button on the ………………………. Tab.
a. Insert     b. Home     c. Page Layout     d. Design

4. This feature facilitates the organization of the text around the objects embedded on a page.
a. Word Wrap      b. Column Break     c. Next page     d. Text Wrapping

5. To show a section / page breaks, select the ……………………….. option on the Home tab.
a. View     b. Display     c. Show / Hide     d. None of these

Fill in the Blanks :

1 .By using page break , you can create different ………………………… .

Ans: Pages
2. The shortcut key for page break is ………………………… .

Ans: Ctrl+Enter
3. To create a new page, you can keep on pressing the ……………………… key till the cursor moves from line to line and a new page starts .

Ans: Enter
4. To show a section / page break, click on the …………………… option on the Home tab.

Ans:  Show/Hide
5. To remove the section Break / Page break on a text , press ………………………. On your keyboard.

Ans: Delete

Multiple Choice Questions :

1. The …………………. Option is used to change the background colour of the text .
a. Font color     b. Text Highlight Color     c. Both a or b     d. None of the above

2. The ……………… option places the text slightly lower than the normal text position.
a. Subscript     b. Superscript     c. Strikethrough     d. Font Size

3. On selecting the ……………………. ,the first character in all the words of the selected sentence will be converted to capital letters .
a. Uppercase     b.Sentence case     c. Toggle case     d. Capitalize Each Word

4. The change case option is present under the home tab in the ………………………… group.
a. Paragraph     b.Styles     c. Font     d. Insert

Fill in the Blanks :

1. …………………………. Option is used to change the style of the text.  (Font)
2. ………………………….. option is used to change the background colour of the text. (Text Highlight Color)
3. After selecting the text, click on the ………………………… icon in the Font group to make the font size smaller than the current font size by the specified point. (Font Size)
4. To remove the character formatting, select the text and click on …………………… in the font group.(Clear Formatting)
5. In …………………….. case, the first character of the selected sentence will be converted to capital letter . (Sentence Case)
6. On the home tab in the font group , select the …………………………. Icon to make the selected text higher than the normal text position. (Superscript)

Multiple Choice Questions :

1. To insert an image from a file, click on the Insert tab and select the ………………………. Button in the illustrations group.
a. Image     b.Picture     c. Shapes     d. Screenshot

2. Word can import ……………………………… types of image file formats.
a.GIF     b.JPEG     c. BMP     d. All of these

3. To copy and paste the image in MS word , the ……………………… option is used .
a.Ctrl X + Ctrl V     b.Ctrl X + Ctrl C     c. Ctrl C + Ctrl V     d. Ctrl V + Ctrl C

4. The Clip Art option is present under the ………………………. Tab in the illustrations group.
a.Insert     b.Home     c. Text     d. Design

Fill in the Blanks :

1 . …………………….. is a collection of picture or images that can be imported into a document . (ClipArt)
2.  Clip Art option is available in the ……………………………. Group . (Illustrations)
3. …………………….. is a process of reducing the file size of the digital image while maintaining the image .(Compress Picture)

Multiple Choice Questions :

1. The Wrap text option is present under the …………………….. tab in the Arrange group .
a. Format / Page Layout     b. Design / Format     c. Review / Page Layout     d.View / Page Layout

2. …………………… enlarges the first character of a line to on extent that it drop-down by two or more line.
a. Wrap Text     b. Drop Text     c. Word Text     d. None of these

3. The Word Art gallery has …………….. font styles to choose from .
a. 10     b. 20     c. 30     d. 40

4. The default text wrapping for a picture is the following.
a. In front of text     b. Behind Text     c. In line with text     d. Top and Bottom

Fill in the Blanks :

1. ……………………. Is a text formatting feature, which enlarges the first character of a line to an extent that it drops down by two or more lines. (Drop Text)
2. After you have inserted the picture , you can wrap the text by using the …………………. Option in the Arrange group under the ……………………… tab. (Text Wrapping, Format)
3. The default text wrapping for a picture is …………………………… . (Inline with Text)

Multiple Choice Questions :

1. You can insert ……………….. file formats within a Word processor document.
a. PDF File     b.Excel Spreadsheet     c. Power Point Presentation    d. All of these

2. To embed an Excel spreadsheet in a word document , select the insert tab and click on the ……………………………… .
a. Text Box     b.Quick Parts     c. Drop Cap     d. Object

3. If you like to edit an embedded document, you have to ………………………. On it.
a. Right –click     b. Double- Click     c. Left- click     d. Single –click

Fill in the Blanks :

1. You can insert a PDF file or a spreadsheet within the Word processor , using the ……………………….. option. (Object)
2. To insert an object, go to the insert tab and click on the object option present in the ………………………. Group . (Text)
3. To open an embedded document, ……………………………. On it. (Double  Click)

Multiple Choice Questions :

1. To insert stars, banners, callouts, connectors, etc., click on the ……………………….. option in the Insert tab.
a. Symbols     b.Pictures     c. Shapes     d. All of these

2. You can insert a symbol by clicking on the Symbol option present under the ……………………….. tab.
a. Home     b.Design     c. Illustration     d. Insert

3. The 3-D rotation button is present under the …………………………… drop- down menu.
a. 3D Effects     b. Shape Fill     c. Shape Outline     d. Shape Styles

Fill in the Blanks :

1. You can insert , basic geometric shapes, arrows, equation shapes, flowchat shapes, stars, banners, and callouts, using the shapes option in the ………………….. group. (Illustrations)
2. Symbol option is available in the …………………………. Group on the Insert tab.(Symbols)
3. If you like to view more symbols and special characters to insert into a document, click on the ……………………… option . (Symbol)

Multiple choice Questions :

1. The ………………………. Option is used to change the style of the text .
a. Font Color     b. Font Style     c. Font Size     d. Font Face

2. The default text wrapping for a picture is :
a. Tight     b. In Line with Text     c. Through     d. Square

3. In …………………. , the first character in all the words of the selected sentence will be converted to capital letters.
a.Uppercase     b.Lowercase     c.Capitalize Each Word     d. Sentence

4.You can use the ………………………… Key combination to create a page break at the pointed location.
a. Ctrl+Shift+Enter     b. Shift+Enter     c. Ctrl+Enter     d.Ctrl+Shift+F1

5. Word 2010 offers which of the following page break options ?
a. Page     b. Text Wrapping     c. Next page     d. Both a and b

6. Image compression is a process of ……………………….. the file size of the digital image and maintaining the image quality.
a. Increasing     b.Brightening     c. Reducing     d. Maintaining

7. Word process allows the user to insert lines, basic geometric shapes, arrows, stars, banners, and callouts in the document by using the option.
a. Pictures     b. Chart     c. Symbol     d. Shapes

8. Some of the options present under shape Fill are :
a. Pictures     b.Texture     c. Gradient     d. All of these above

9. If you embed an object, the size of your document …………………………… significantly and this may cause problems in e- mailing the documentas an attachment.
a. Increase     b. Decrease     c. Remains the same     d. None of the above

Fill in the Blanks :

1. In ………………………… case, the first character in all the words of the selected sentence will be converted to capital letter. (Capitalize each word)
2. The ……………………… icon on the Home tab in the Font group is used to make the selected text higher than the normal text position. (Superscript)
3. ………………………. Case is used to convert the small letters in the selected text to capital letters and vice versa (Toggle case)

4. …………………………. Allows you to place text behind an image, in front of an image or around an image. (Text Wrapping)
5 ………………………….. feature enlarges the first character of a line to an extent that it drops down by two or more lines. (Drop Cap)
6. …………………………. An object in Microsoft Word, rather than simply inserting or pasting it, ensures that the object retain its original format.  (Embed)
7. To insert different shapes in a word document, click on the shapes button in the ……………………… group on the insert tab. (Illustrations)
8. To insert a picture in a word document, select the Insert tab> ……………………………. Option. (Picture)
9. ……………………… is a process of reducing the file size of the digital image while maintaining the image quality. (Image Compression)
State True or False :

1. You can insert a PDF file, Excel spreadsheet, power point presentation , or a sound file within the Word processor. ( ) True
2. You cannot embed objects created in other programs into a Word documents.( ) False
3. The Grow Font option is used to make the font size smaller than the current font size by the specified point.( ) False
4 Odd page option is the category of section breaks. ( ) True
5. You can only insert the images from the clip art gallery built-in-within the word processor. ( ) False
6. Some of the Wrap Text options available MS word are square, Tight, and Through. ( ) True
7. The continuous category of section breaks starts the new section on the next page. ( ) False
8. You can add text inside the shapes by right-clicking on them and selecting the Add text option.( ) True
9. The default text wrapping for a picture is Through. ( ) False
10. A person opening your document must have the relevant software loaded on his computer to operate the embedded file. ( ) True
11. Paragraphs are used to break continuous text to one or more sentences. This enhances the readability of the content.True

12. Paragraph formatting is the most important factor in the overall appearance of a document. True
13. Alignment is the systematic placement of text within a section of a document to enhance its readability. It determines the appearance and orientation of the edges of the paragraphs. True

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Lesson tags: Class 10 Digital Documentation, Class 10 IT Microsoft Word
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