Class 10 Digital Documentation notes

Class 10 Digital Documentation notes

1. How to Align paragraph?

  • Select the paragraph.
  • Click on the Paragraph dialog box launcher either on the Home tab or on the Page Layout tab.
  • The paragraph dialog box appears
  • By default, the Indents and Spacing tab in selected.
  • Under the General section, select the required alignment option.

2. What is Indentation? What are its types.

Indentation is the process of increasing or decreasing the space between the left and right margin of  a paragraph. It is of four types:

  • Left Indent : Left indent indicates the space between the paragraph and the left margin.
  • Right Indent : Right indent indicates the space between the paragraph and the right margin.
  • First Line Indent : First the indent is used to indent the first line of a paragraph.
  • Hanging Indent : Hanging indent indicates how the text of a paragraph lines up below the first line.

3. What is a word style? What is its use?

Style is a predefined combination of various formatting features and types like font style, colour and size of text etc. Style makes the text effective and readable.

4. Elaborate four different types of styles which can be provided in a Word Processor.
Paragraph styles They are used to control appearance, alignment, tab stops, line spacing and borders of a paragrah.
Character styles:  They are used to change formatting of individual characters like font, size,bold ,italic etc.
Cell style:  They include fonts, alignment, borders, background, number formats (for
example, currency, date, number), and cell protection.
Graphics styles They include line, area, shadowing, transparency etc.

5. What is a document template?

Document template is a  sample document which already has some details in the form of picture or text and these can be edited to create document. It may contain sample content, themes, colours, font styles , background styles etc.

6.How do we create a document template?

A template can be created in word by saving a document as a .docx file or .dot file.

7. Raman has written the three paragraphs in a document. He wants to give a space of 28 pt above and below the second paragraph. Help him to achieve his objective.

  • He should select the 2nd paragraph and open the paragraph dialog box by clicking on the paragraph dialog box launcher on the Home tab.
  • Now he should set the spacing in the before and after spin boxes under the ‘Spacing’ Section to 28 and click on the OK button.

8. Ruchi wants to modify the contents of the header section but it is locked. How can she unlock it?

She can open it by double clicking on the header section.

9.  Amit wants to create a style having formatting effects of his choice. How can he achieve his objective ?

He can use New Style option.

10. What is alignment ?

It can be defined as systematic placement of text within a document .

11. Name the different types of Alignment ?

Left, Center, Right, Justify

12. What is  Paragraph Spacing ?

Paragraph spacing is the amount of space above or below a paragraph.

13. What are Headers and Footers ?

Header and Footer are those little identifiers that respectively run across the top and bottom of the document. They include such information as page numbers, date, title of a book/ chapters, etc.

14. Define Style ?

A style is a predefined combination of various formatting features and types, like font style , colour, and size of text that is applied to the selected text in a document , to quickly change its appearance.

15. How many ways are there to create a template ? Name them.

There are two ways to creating a template :

  • Creating a blank template
  • Creating a template based on the existing template

16. Explain the functionality of different alignment options ?

  • Align Text Left : It places the selected text towards the left margin. By default, the text is always aligned to the left margin.
  • Center : It sets the text in the center of the left and right margin.
  • Align Text Right : It align the selected text towards the right margin.
  • Justify : It places the text evenly between the left and the right margins.

17. Explain the types of Tab stops.

There are five types of Tab stops supported in Word :

  • Left Tab : It left aligns the text at the tab stop.
  • Right Tab : It right aligns the text at the tab stop.
  • Center Tab : It centers the text around the tab stop.
  • Decimal Tab : This Tab aligns the decimal numbers using the decimal point.
  • Bar Tab : It draws a vertical line on the document.

18. Write steps for setting the line spacing between a paragraph ?

  • Select The text.
  • Click on the Line and paragraph spacing button on the Home Tab.
  • Select the desired option of line spacing from the drop-down list .

19. How can we insert a picture in a header ?

  • Double-click on the header section open it .
  • Click on the Picture option on the Design tab.
  • The insert Picture dialog box will open before you.
  • Select the required picture
  • Click on the Insert button.

20. Write steps to create a blank template ?

  • Click File -> New
  • Click Create button .
  • A new document will open up.
  • Make the desired changes in the document that may include header and footer contents like page number, date/time, and graphics and font style.
  • Click on the Save As option on the File tab.
  • Type the name for the template in the File name text box.
  • Select Word Template in the Save as type list box.
  • Click on the Save button.

21. What is page break and section break?

Page Break: Page Breaks are used to separate contents into multiple pages,

Section Break: Section Breaks are used to divide the document into sections That makes the text readable and presentable.

22. Explain page break and its types.

There are three page break options :

  • PAGE: This option shifts the content to the next page.
  • COLUMN: This option shifts the content to next column if the document is divided into multiple columns. If document is not pre-divided into columns, column break works same as page break.
  • TEXT WRAPPING: This option moves any text to the right of the cursor to the next line. This kind of break may be particularly useful when your document contains images.

23. What is text wrapping?

It is used to wrap the text around the objects (image/diagrams) on a document.

24. Explain section break and its types.

There are four types of section breaks .

  • NEXT PAGE: It starts a new section on the next page.
  • CONTINUOUS: It starts a new section on the same page, at the current position.
  • EVEN PAGE: It starts a new section on the next even- numbered page.
  • ODD PAGE: It starts a new section on the next odd numbered page.

25. What are various character formatting options?

Various character formatting options are:

  • Bold: It is used to make text bold.Shortcut is Ctrl+B.
  • Italics: It is used to make text italic (slightly tilted)? .Shortcut is Ctrl+I.
  • Underline :It is used to make text underlined.Shortcut is Ctrl+U .
  • Font Color : It is used to change the colour of the text.
  • Text Highlight Color : It is used to change the background colour of the text.
  • Font Face: This option is used to change the style of the text.
  • Font Size: This option is used to change the size of the text.
  • Grow Font: This option is used to make the font size larger than the current font size
  • Shrink Font : This options is used to make the font size smaller than the current font size.
  • Strikethrough: This option shows a line in the middle of the selected text.
  • Subscript: This option makes the selected text little lower than normal text.
  • Superscript: This option makes the selected text little higher than normal text.
  • Clear Formatting : This option is used to clear the character formatting such as bold, italics, underline, font face and size, subscript and superscript, etc. of the selected text.
  • Change Case : We can use this option to change text case to capital letters or small letters.  It has following options:
  1. Sentence Case : This option makes the first character in the first word of the selected sentence a capital letter.
  2. Lower Case: This option converts the selected text to small letters.
  3. Upper Case : Clicking on this option from the drop- down list will converted the selected text to capital letters.
  4. Capitalize Each Word : This option makes first character of all the words of the selected text to capital letters.
  5. Toggle Case : This option converts the small letters in the selected text to capital letters and vice versa

26. How can we insert an image?

  • Click on the Insert tab
  • Click at Picture button.
  • Insert picture dialog box appears.
  • Browse the picture that you wish to insert.
  • Choose the desired picture
  • Cick on the Insert button.

27. How can we insert images from clip art?

  • Click on the Insert tab
  • Click at Clip Art button.
  • Clip Art pane opens up at right pane.
  • Click at  the picture that you wish to insert.

28. What is text wrapping? What are its types?

It is the placement of text around an image in a document. It is of following types:

  • In line with text
  • Square
  • Tight
  • Through
  • Top and Bottom
  • Behind Text
  • In front of text
  • Edit Wrap points

29.  What is an object?

Microsoft Word allows an object created in one application to get it embedded in another document without changing the original format of the object.

These objects can be from a Power Point Presentation, a Movie clip, an Excel Spreadsheet , etc.

30. How can we insert an object in a document?

  • Open a document .
  • Select the Insert tab.
  • Click on the object option in the Text group.
  • The object dialog box will appear
  • Select the create from File Tab.
  • Click on Browse
  • Select a file like spreadsheet or PDF document already saved on your computer.
  • Click on Insert
  • Click OK

31. How can we modify embedded object?

To edit the embedded object, double-click on it. The object will open for editing in the respective

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Lesson tags: Class 10 Digital Documentation, Class 10 Digital Documentation notes
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