Class 10 AI Introduction to Natural Language Processing Notes

Class 10 AI Introduction to Natural Language Processing Notes

1. What do you mean by Natural Language Processing (NLP)

It is a branch of artificial intelligence that enables computers to understand human language and perform some operation just like human beings.

2. Explain the use of NLP in real life.

  1. Language translation application like Google Translate.
  2. Grammarly application to check grammar of text.
  3.  Personal assistant like Siri, Alexa and Google assistant.

3. Explain the process of NLP>

NLP is performed in 5 steps:

  1. Lexical Analysis: It involves identifying and analysing the structure of words.
  2. Syntactic Analysis: Words in these sentences are analysed for grammar and arranged in such a way that show relationship among them.
  3. Semantic Analysis It identifies the exact meaning of a text.
  4. Discourse Integration: It checks integration of consecutive sentences in such a way so that they produce a meaningful result.
  5. Pragmatic Analysis: In this process, the text is interpreted to see what it actually means.

4. Explain some  tasks of NLP 

  1. Speech recognition: It is also called speech to text conversion. It is the process task of taking input in form of voice and converting it into text data.
  2. Word sense disambiguation: It is the selection of the meaning of a word as per the sentence. The word can have multiple meanings.
  3. Sentiment analysis:  It is the process to understand qualities like emotions , confusion , suspicion  from the text.
  4. Natural language Generation: It is also called text to speech conversion. It is the process in which processed information is reproduced in the form of human language speech.

5. List some NLP applications.

i. Automatic Text Summarization

It is an NLP technique where a computer program shortens longer texts and generates summaries .

ii. Sentiment Analysis

It is the process of  detecting emotions from language tones in text or voice data.

iii. Text Classification

It is the process of categorizing unstructured text into predetermined tags and categories by using NLP and other AI technologies.

iv. Virtual Assistant

It is an NLP based programs that can communicate in human voice. It can understand human voice and respond accordingly. It can help you in tasks like showing weather reports, creating reminders, making shopping lists etc.

v. Digital Phone Calls

This is an NLP technique in which human voice is recorded to create AI applications that can understand and improve themselves.

6. What is Sentiment Analysis? How does it use NLP?

It is the process to understand qualities like emotions , confusion , suspicion  from the text. NLP categorizes words as negative, positive or  neutral. NLP also understands variations and emotions in human voice and text to analyze sentiments.

7. What is text classification? How does it use NLP?

It is the process of categorizing unstructured text into predetermined tags and categories by using NLP and other AI technologies. NLP classifies the text on the basis of their categories and tags.

8. What is a virtual assistant? How does it use NLP?

It is an NLP based programs that can communicate in human voice. It can understand human voice and respond accordingly. It uses NLP to understand voice and text commands, compares them with the data in database and respond accordingly.

9. How does NLP mimic human behavior?

NLP takes input in form of voice and converts it into text data.  Then it selects the meaning of a word as per its use in the sentence. Then it tries to understand emotions, confusion , suspicion  from the text and then it generates information in the form of human language.

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