SQL based questions with answers for class 12 Computer Science
Q1. Write SQL queries on the basis of following table.
Relation : Student | ||||
Name | Class | Fee | Gender | DOB |
Rahul | XII | 1200 | M | 2005-02-01 |
Mehul | XII | 1200 | M | 2004-12-11 |
Manisha | XI | 1050 | F | 2006-10-12 |
Sujoy | XI | 1050 | M | NULL |
Sonakshi | XII | 1200 | F | 2005-09-19 |
Suman | X | 950 | F | 2008-06-16 |
i. Display all records from table student.
Ans. Select * from student;
ii. List names of all students from table student.
Ans. Select name from student;
iii. List name and class of all students from table student.
Ans. Select name,class from student;
iv. List all students studying in class XII.
Ans. Select * from student where class=’XII’;
v. List names of male students .
Ans. Select name from student where gender=’M’;
vi. Show information of students having fee more than 1000.
Ans. Select * from student where fee>1000;
vii. Show name, fee and class of students having fee below or equal to 1100.
Ans. Select name,fee,class from student where fee<=1100;
viii. View all records in ascending order of student’s name.
Ans. Select * from student order by name;
ix. View name and fee of all students in descending order of fee.
Ans. Select name,fee from student order by fee desc;
x. List male students in descending order of their class.
Ans. Select * from student where gender=’M’ order by class;
Q2. Write SQL queries on the basis of following table.
Relation : Teacher | ||||
TName | Incharge | Salary | Gender | Dateofjoin |
Rahul | XII | 12000 | M | 2015-02-11 |
Mehul | XII | 12500 | M | 2014-12-21 |
Manisha | XI | 13500 | F | 2016-10-22 |
Sujoy | XI | 21050 | M | 2016-10-22 |
Sonakshi | XII | 21000 | F | 2015-08-19 |
Suman | X | 16950 | F | 2018-06-26 |
i. Show information of teachers having salary more than 20000.
Ans. Select * from teacher where salary>20000;
ii. List teachers who are incharge of classes X or XII.
Ans. Select * from teacher where incharge=’X’ or incharge=’XII’;
Select * from teacher where incharge in (‘X’,’XII’);
iii List teachers teaching class X or having salary more than 10000.
Ans. Select * from teacher where incharge=’X’ or salary>10000;
iv. View those records where salary is between 10000 and 20000 .
Ans. Select * from teacher where salary between 10000 and 20000;
Select * from teacher where salary>=10000 and salary<=20000;
v. List female teachers having salary 21000 .
Ans. Select * from teacher where gender=’F’ and salary=21000;
vi. List different classes available in above table (no duplicates) .
Ans. Select distinct incharge from teacher;
vii. List salary and names of teachers having salary less than 15000 or more than 20000 .
Ans. Select salary,tname from teacher where salary<15000 or salary>20000;
viii. List name, salary and annual salary(salary*12) of all teachers.
Ans. Select tname, salary, salary*12 from teacher;
ix. List name of all teachers teaching class XII.
Ans. Select tname from teacher where incharge=’XII’;
x. List name and salary of all teachers who joined before ‘2016-10-01’.
Ans. Select tname, salary from teacher where dateofjoin<‘2016-10-01’;
Output based SQL statement with answers
Q3. Write SQL queries on the basis of following table.
Relation : Hospital | |||
PName | Fee | Gender | Dateofvisit |
Ramesh | 200 | M | 2020-02-11 |
Mohnish | 250 | M | 2019-12-22 |
Muskan | 350 | F | 2019-11-22 |
Sunil | 250 | M | 2018-12-02 |
Sonam | null | F | 2019-01-19 |
Sahil | 16950 | F | 2019-02-26 |
i. Show information of patients who visited after ‘2020-01-01’.
Ans. Select * from hospital where dateofvisit>’2020-01-01′;
ii. Show information of patients who visited between ‘2018-12-01’ and ‘2019-12-01’.
Ans. Select * from hospital where dateofvisit between ‘2018-12-01’ and ‘2019-12-01’;
Select * from hospital where dateofvisit>= ‘2018-12-01’ and dateofvisit<= ‘2019-12-01’;
iii. Show information of patients who visited before ‘2018-12-01′ or after 2019-12-01’.
Select * from hospital where dateofvisit< ‘2018-12-01’ or dateofvisit> ‘2019-12-01’;
iv. List those patients whose name starts with alphabet ‘M’.
Select * from hospital where pname like ‘M%’;
v. List those patients whose name ends with alphabet ‘m’.
Select * from hospital where pname like ‘%m’;
vi. List those patients whose name contains alphabet ‘a’.
Select * from hospital where pname like ‘%a%’;
vii. List those patients whose name starts with alphabet ‘M’ and ends with ‘n’.
Select * from hospital where pname like ‘M%n’;
viii. List those patients whose name contains 4 characters.
Select * from hospital where pname like ‘_ _ _ _ ‘;
ix. List those patients whose fee is null.
List those patients who have not been charged any fee.
Select * from hospital where fee is null;
x. List those patients where fee is not null.
Select * from hospital where fee is not null;
Q4. Write SQL queries on the basis of following table.
Relation : Emp |
Empid | EmpName | Department | Salary | Gender |
101 | Mahesh | Finance | 32000 | M |
303 | Vijay | HR | 42500 | M |
401 | Mansha | Finance | 31500 | F |
603 | Kamal | Computer | 32150 | M |
604 | Vandana | HR | 42000 | F |
631 | Sujata | Finance | 39500 | F |
i. Increase salary of all employees by 1000.
Ans. update emp set salary=salary+1000;
ii. Decrease value of EmpID of male employees by 10.
Ans. update emp set empid=empid-10 where gender=’M’;
iii. Department of ‘Mahesh’ should be updated as ‘HR’.
Ans. update emp set department=’HR’ where empname=’Mahesh’;
iv. Name should be updated as ‘Manish Saini’ and salary as 50000 for employee id 603.
Ans. update emp set empname=’Manish Saini’, salary=50000 where empid=603;
v. ‘Finance’ department should be updated as ‘Fin’.
Ans. update emp set department=’Fin’ where department=’Finance’;
vi. Delete records of female employees.
Ans. delete from emp where gender=’F’;
vii. Delete all records of Emp table.
Ans. delete from emp;
viii. Insert a new record with data as 700,’Raman’,’HR’,40000,’M’
Ans. insert into emp values(700,’Raman’,’HR’,40000,’M’);
ix. Add a new field Phoneno of integer type to table.
Ans. Alter table emp add phoneno int;
x. Set the size of EmpName field to 40.
Ans. Alter table emp modify empname varchar(40);
Output based SQL statement with answers
Q5. Write SQL queries on the basis of following table.
Relation : Employee |
id | Name | Designation | Sal |
101 | Naresh | Clerk | 32000 |
102 | Ajay | Manager | 42500 |
103 | Manisha | Clerk | 31500 |
104 | Komal | Advisor | 32150 |
105 | Varun | Manager | 42000 |
106 | NULL | Clerk | 32500 |
i. Count number of records in the table.
Ans. select count(*) from employee;
ii. Count number of names in the table.
Ans. select count(name) from employee;
iii. Count number of designations.
Ans. select count(distinct designation) from employee;
iv. Count number of clerks.
Ans. select count(*) from employee where designation=’Clerk’;
v. Find sum of salaries of all employees.
Ans. select sum(sal) from employee;
vi. Find maximum salary in the table.
Ans. select max(sal) from employee;
vii. Find minimum salary in the table.
Ans. select min(sal) from employee;
viii. Find average salary in the table.
Ans. select avg(sal) from employee;
ix. Find minimum and maximum salary of Managers.
Ans. select max(sal),min(sal) from employee where designation=’Manager’;
x. Display number of records for each individual designation.
Ans. select designation, count(*) from employee group by designation;
xi. Display number of records along with sum of salaries for each individual designation where number of records are more than 1.
Ans. select designation, count(*), sum(sal) from employee group by designation having count(*)>1;
xii. Display sum of salaries of clerks and managers
Ans. select designation, sum(sal) from employee group by designation having designation in (‘Clerk’,’Manager’);
Output based SQL statement with answers
Q6. Write SQL queries on the basis of following tables.
Relation : Employee |
id | Name | Designation |
101 | Naresh | Clerk |
102 | Ajay | Manager |
103 | Manisha | Clerk |
104 | Komal | Advisor |
Relation : Details |
id | Salary | PhoneNo |
101 | 32000 | 9898090909 |
102 | 45000 | 9888000909 |
103 | 33000 | 8008078787 |
104 | 40000 | 7009876543 |
i. View Name and salary of all employees.
Ans. select name,salary from employee, details where employee.id=details.id;
select name,salary from employee E, details D where E.id=D.id;
ii. List Name, designation and salary of all Clerks.
Ans. select name,designation salary from employee, details where employee.id=details.id and designation=’Clerk’;
select name,designation salary from employee E1, details D1 where E1.id=D1.id and designation=’Clerk’;
iii. Display id, Name and salary of all employees.
Ans. select employee.id, name,salary from employee, details where employee.id=details.id;
select E1.id, name,salary from employee E1, details D1 where E1.id=D1.id;
iv. Display Name and salary of all employees having salary more than 40000
Ans. select name, salary from employee, details where employee.id=details.id and salary>40000;
select name, salary from employee E, details D where E.id=D.id and salary>40000;
Output based SQL statement with answers