Defining member functions inside or outside the class in C++

Defining member functions inside or outside the class  in C++

The member functions of a class can be defined in two ways:-

  • Inside the class
  • Outside the class

Defining member functions inside the class  in C++

This is the most common way of defining members functions of a class.

In this case we define member functions of a class in the same manner as we define normal functions.

Functions defined inside a class are automatically inline. Normally data members of a class are defined as private and member functions of a class are defined as public members of a class.


using namespace std;
class student
   //Member function inside the class
  void display() 
  cout<<”Inside the class”;
int main()()
 student obj;
 return 0;

Defining member functions outside the class  in C++

 We can also define member functions outside a class. There are two steps involved in defining member function outside the class.

  • Declaration of member function
  • Member Function definition

Declaration of member function

We need to declare the member functions inside the class but  the function body is created outside the class.

Syntax to declare a member function as:

class <class_name>
 visibility mode:
   member function();


class student
    void display(); //Member function Declaration 

Member Function definition

After declaring member function inside the class, we need to define its body outside the class.


Return-type class_name::function name(Agument_list)
  • Return-type refers to the return type of member function.
  • Class_name is the name of class in which member function is declared.
  • Argument_list is the list of various formal arguments passed to the function.
  • Function-body contains the valid statements of C++ which will be executed as a part of the function.


using namespace std;
class student
   //Member function declaration inside the class
  void display(); 
 //Member function definition outside the class
void student::display()  
   cout<<”Outside the class”;  
int main()()
 student obj;
 return 0;

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